Fish On! My customers today wanted to target some big catfish at sooner lake so we went out there and caught some perch for fresh bait and got to work looking for them we missed a few in 44 foot of water and then we turned up a couple as well one of them being 23 pounds. The action wasn't too hot so I went up the lake looking for some other spots and we hit them the second area fishing 65 foot of water with cut perch. Our intention was to release most of the fish but we ended up boxing 10 smaller catfish some of them got injured. We also got about 30 perch and wasn't really trying. But they were around and we got two real big saugeye. We also landed a beautiful 33 pound blue in excellent condition which we got Photos and got it back on down in the water I'm not sure how many overs we released but it was quite a few. Water temp 47° and there was some current flowing where we did best. Thanks Mike for booking a trip with me and giving it a shot! December 20, and December 23 is available if anybody wants to get down on them before Christmas. I'm also doing good on hybrid same location.